Rinse to remove stains

It’s just a little extra effort for living in an eco-friendly manner.

In Meguro City, we ask for your help to rinse recyclable items, such as plastic containers and package, PET bottles, bottles, or cans, to remove stains before disposing. Putting just a little extra effort is really important for our eco-friendly lives. If you don’t rinse the inside well before putting recyclables out, it will not be accepted by collection trucks. The recyclables with stains are not recycled. They will not be re-used but become waste. We ask you to cooperate with us through rinsing recyclables properly to protect the earth’s environment and to build a sustainable recycle-based society.

Please dispose recyclables by following the steps described below.

  • Remove all contents, caps and labels.
  • Rinse the inside to remove stains.
  • Place items in a transparent bag.

Please refer to MGR100, Meguro Garbage Reduce 100, for the detailed information on how to separate and dispose of waste items and recyclables. The pamphlets in English, Chinese and Korean are distributed at the Foreign Residents Information Desk (1st Floor, Main building, Meguro City Office Complex), Waste Management & Recycling Section (6F), and Waste Collection Office, also available on the Meguro City Website.


November 5th, 2019
Edited by: Meguro International Friendship Association(MIFA)



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