

▶︎ もっとくわしく

Both foreign and Japanese citizens will talk and think TOGETHER about everyday food and living in “EASY Japanese”. It’s going to be a great opportunity to meet and interact with Japanese and foreign people who live in Japan!

▶︎ More details

■ 日時:2月 6日(日)12:30-14:30
■ 内容:
■ 形式:オンライン(Zoomを使います)
■ 参加できる人:日本人、日本に住んでいる外国籍の方
■ 定員:30名程度
■ 参加特典:参加者全員にハーゲンダッツギフト券をプレゼント!
■ 参加申込期間:お申込は終了しました

■ Time & Date: 12:30-14:30 February 6
■ Content:
① Demonstration by Haagen-Dazs Japan and Meguro City office staff in “Easy Japanese”.
– Let’s get to know more about Haagen-Dazs ice cream! How are they made?
– A chance to find out more about what to do and provided service at city offices!
② Work shop
BOTH Japanese and foreign citizens will talk in “Easy Japanese” and present their theme.
– Theme: What kind of Haagen-Dazs ice-cream flavor you suggest. What process you’d like to know about most
■ Online (Via Zoom)
■ Participants: Japanese and foreign citizens residing in Japan. (No limitation of region in Japan)
■ Capacity: 30 people
■ Special Gift:Haagen-Dazs Ice-cream gift coupon for all participants
■ Period to sign-up: *CLOSED*