“Shirazi Salad”

Shirazi Salad

Ingredients (4 servings)
1 large tomato
1 cucumber
1/2 onion
2 green onions
Fresh mint
1/2 lemon
2tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper
Dry mint leaves
Dry rose petals(optional)

 Dice tomato and cucumber. Chop onion ,green onion and fresh mint. Put them into the salad bowl.
 Mix gently with your hands or wooden spoon so the tomatoes do not get squashed.
 Cover the bowl and refrigerate until ready to serve.
 Juice the lemon and remove any pits. Add a bit more olive oil than the lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.
 Pour the dressing on top of the salad before serving.
 Add some dry mint leaves and rose petals. Give the salad a gently toss.


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