Introduction to Foreign Culture
[Introduction to Kenyan culture] “KARIBU MAGICAL KENYA!” (Welcome to Magical Kenya!) – participants wanted!

【Event Info.】[Introduction to Kenyan culture] "KARIBU MAGICAL KENYA!"- participa…
あなたの国を紹介しませんか? 外国人講師募集!
あなたの 国(くに)や 文化(ぶんか)を たくさんの 人(ひと)に 紹介(しょうかい)します。
MIFAの ボランティア(ぼらんてぃあ)が あなたを 手伝(てつだ)います。
発表(はっぴょう)は 日本語(にほんご)です。
発表(はっぴょう)したい 人(ひと)は MIFAに 電話(でんわ)かメール(めーる)を ください。
Presenters Wanted for the “Introduction to Foreign Culture (Bunka Rikai Koza).”
Why don’t you introduce your country at MIFA? It allows you to recognize your culture again and discover something new about your country. The volunteer team will help you with preparation of your presentation. You would become more confident in your Japanese through this experience.
Feel free to contact MIFA via e-mail / phone!
Introduction to Foreign Culture
【Event Info.】[Introduction to Kenyan culture] "KARIBU MAGICAL KENYA!"- participa…
Introduction to Foreign Culture
We are seeking presenters for "Introduction to Foreign Culture" 2020!…