【Report】2019 Thai Cooking


See the recipes

February 15, 2020 (Sat.) 10:00-13:00
Midorigaoka Bunka Kaikan (2-14-23, Midorigaoka, Meguro-ku)
Instructor Ms. Yukiko UNO
Menu Khao Man Gai, Thai Chicken Rice
Yam Woon Sen, Thai Glass Noodle Sald
Boa Loy, Sweet Rice Balls in Coconut Milk
Attendees 22 in total(South Africa, France, Greece, Germany, Taiwan, AUS, USA, Peru*1/Japan*14)
as well as 8 cooking volunteers
Comments ・The cooking class is a wonderful way to socialize with Japanese people as well as other nationalities.
・It was a wonderful lesson! Thank you for the great opportunity to learn something new while meeting a lot of friendly people. The volunteers are very helpful. Great team work! Thank you so much! Cannot wait to come to the next MIFA event 🙂
・I enjoyed myself a lot. The food was delicious.

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Please access MIFA old webpage to see reports before 2017.(Click here)

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