Volunteers Wanted for the 15th MIFA International Exchange Festival

Committee Members:to attend Festival committee meetings and join activities on Jan.20

Time Nov.9, Dec.7, Jan.12 (Sat.) 10:00-12:00AM  (Committee Meeting) ※1st committee meeting has been scheduled to take place on Oct.12 (Sat.), however, it has been postponed to Nov.9 (Sat.) as a harsh weather is expected and public transporation may be out of service on this day.

Dec.21, Jan.18 (Sat.) 10:00-12:00AM (Group/Team Meeting)

Place MIFA

※Type of volunteers
(1) Committee Members
to help organize the festival at committee meetings
(2) Suppot volunteers
to help operate the festival on Feb.2 (Sun.)
※Please register yourself as a member of MIFA prior to the festival.


Concierge guide visitors at the reception and other areas of the venue.
Booth food booths at the park / embassy booths & staff-visitor interaction / stamp rally / eco-stations
Record shoot videos and/or take photos of various activities of the festival.
Traditional Japanese culture *Ikebana: help visitors experience Ikebana

*Tea Ceremony: help visitors experience Japanese Tea Ceremony

*Kimono: help visitors to put on kimono

*GO: help visitors enjoy the game of GO

*Calligraphy: help visitors enjoy calligraphy

Small Hall Foyer * Taiwanese Tea Ceremony:operate Taiwanese tea ceremony

*Disaster Awareness: distribute Meguro Disaster Survival Map and bottled Tokyo Water, etc.

*Drink Corner: brew coffee and offer it to visitors  ※Sales revenue will be used by MIFA to support its activities

*Writing System: help visitors to learn writing systems of different languages

*Volunteer Party: help organize a party for volunteers to be held 17:00-18:00 on Feb.2

Small Hall Stage * Production:produce stage programs
* Time keeper:do time keeping
* Guide:guide performers
* AV:manage AV using a projector, PC, etc.
* Sound:manage media using CDs, audio tapes, DVDs, etc.
* Lighting:manage lighting
* MC:edit MC scripts and undertake MC
* Interpreters:1)interprete opening ceremony 2)interprete presentations
Yakumo Gymnasium *Table Tennis: help visitors enjoy table tennis

*Mini-Japanese Conversation Salon: help visitors to converse with Int’l volunteers in Japanese

*Amusement for Children Team: help visitors to enjoy amusements for children

*International Friendship/Cooperation Groups:manage their activities


Inform MIFA via email (info@mifa.jp) of your name, nationality, address, phone number, the school you’re enrolled in, and your preferred activity.

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Please access MIFA old webpage to see reports before 2017.(Click here)

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