World AIDS Day

Let’s talk about HIV / AIDS Test, Treatment and Support!

December 1st is World AIDS Day. Meguro City will hold HIV / AIDS Prevention Panel Display to increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education. Early detection of HIV can help ensure prompt treatment and prevent progression into AIDS. Why not take this opportunity to have an HIV / AIDS test?

HIV / AIDS Prevention Panel Display
Date: From Nov. 29 (Fri) to Dec. 5 (Thu)
Place: West entrance lobby, 1st Floor, Main building, Meguro City Office Complex
HIV / AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections Test
FREE and ANONYMOUS testing is provided at Meguro Public Health Center (by appointment only).

Details and Book appointments:
Call (03-5722-9896, Japanese only) or visit directly to the Public Health & Infections Control Section at Meguro CIty Office Complex/
All the Public Health Centers in Japan offer HIV testing.
Please read the following weblink for the details: HIV Testing and HIV / AIDS Counseling Map in Japan

November 5th, 2019
Edited by: Meguro International Friendship Association(MIFA)


MIFA カレンダー