【report】Home Visit – 2017 Spring session

Time May 20, 2017 (Sat) 13:00 – 17:00
Particpants 35 international students hosted by 23 Japanese families
University Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Tokyo, GRIPS, Waseda University
Voice of students – Excellent initiative by MIFA. Wonderful opportunity for international students to experience the authentic Japanese house and interact with the host family .
– The activity is extremely helpful and wonderful.
– This programme is excellent. It’s quite a rare chance to visit a local Japanese home.
– Okasan made delicious green tea and japanese dessert for me. Otosan offerred me icecream. We had a good talk about freetime and hobbies. I showed them pictures of my hometown in Thailand. Otosan and Okasan showed me their pictures from their trips abroad.

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Please access MIFA old webpage to see reports before 2017.(Click here)

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