Japanese Calligraphy workshop in simple Japanese

Japanese calligraphy is called Shodo (書道) or Shuji (習字).
Experience Japanese calligraphy by writing your favorite kanji or hiragana. Be sure not to miss this opportunity!

【When】Saturday, September 28 2024, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 

【Where】MIFA (access infomation)

【Fee】Free of charge

【Capacity】15 people

【Apply】please sign up via the online form:

  Please prepare a word you would like to write in either Kanji or Hiragana!
  * Kanji: 1-2 characters / Hiragana: up to 5 characters

* FCFS basis. We will stop accepting applications once the limit is reached.
* Please inform us as soon as possible in case you want to cancel. (To: nihongo@mifa.jp) We appliciate your corporation.

【Instructor】Hoshi Seishu (Daido shogakuin)

Has learned calligraphy from Mitsuaki Tanaka who teaches the technique of Kawakami Keinen which is the calligrapher who founded Daido Calligraphy Academy.
Also serves as a director of Daido Academy and instructor at the Daido class as well as presiding over Seishu alligraphy Academy, where she trains the next generation of calligraphers.
Daido Calligraphy Academy holds an exhibition every year at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, and this year held its 56th exhibition in April. Tourists strolling through Ueno Park also came to the exhibition, enjoying calligraphy, one of Japan’s cultural traditions. Daido Calligraphy Academy also exchanges with China and Taiwan through calligraphy by submitting works to the calligraphy exhibitions held in China, Taiwan, and Japan, as well as the Lanting Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition.

(image: one of her works exhibited at 56th Daido Calligraphy Exhibition)

Tools of Shuji

❶ 半紙(はんし)Hanshi Japanese calligraphy paper. Very thin.
❷ 下敷き(したじき)Shitajiki Soft mat usually made of a dark felt fabric.
❸ 文鎮(ぶんちん)Bunchin A paperweight primarily used in calligraphy and document organization.
❹ 硯(すずり)Suzuri Heavy black container for the ink.
❺ 墨汁(ぼくじゅう)Bokujū “Instant ink” in bottles.
❻ 筆(ふで)Fude Brush. There is a larger brush for writing the main characters and a smaller one for writing the artist’s name and smaller letters.

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