“Rice Cooked with Dried Young Sardines”

Ingredients (4 servings)
2 cups (360ml) rice
300ml water
30ml light soy sauce (usu-kuchi-shoyu)
30ml cooking wine (sake)
40g dried young sardines (jako)
1/2 sheet thin deep- fried tofu (abura-age)
1/4 carrot
6 sheets perilla (shiso leaves), cut into Julienne strips

 Wash rice and put in a rice cooker. Add water, light soy sauce and sake. Let stand for 30 minutes.
 Cut deep- fried tofu and carrot finely. Add into and cook.
 After rice has cooked, spread jako on top and let them steam for 5 minutes with lid.
 Spread perilla on rice and mix softly.


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