
大学 東京工業大学、東京大学、政策研究大学院大学(GRIPS)
留学生の国籍 中国、韓国、フィリピン、インドネシア、ネパール、ベトナム、インド、モンゴル、キルギス、ドイツ、ノルウェー、ニュージーランド

ホストファミリーの声 ・毎回素敵な留学生を迎え、いろいろ話すことで世界が広くなり、とても良いイベントだと思います。
参加した留学生の声 ・It was a fantastic experience.
・My host family was absolutely lovely and we talked about a whole range of topics in both Japanese and English.
・The host family were very friendly and made me feel at home. I was very comfortable talking with them about everything.
・They had very good command over English which helped me communicate to them better. But they were also encouraging me to speak in the Japanese that I know, by asking me basic questions in Japanese.
・They had lots of activities planned out, activities which are more or less exclusive to Japan like playing Japanese card game and tea ceremony.
・Very fresh experience, beyond my expectation. I can feel that they did design the activities for the afternoon, to make me feel interesting.
・It is one of the most fantastic experiences in my living in Japan.
・May be this activity can be implemented in stages, in which this home visit can be first stage of this activity, at second stage, a group of japanese families can go together for an excursion somewhere in vicinity of Tokyo for a day, and then final stage if the applicant agrees, visit to home country of the applicant by the interested Japanese families.



  1. 【募集】Zoom体験教室 ~ 参加・開催編 ~

  2. 2021オンラインめぐろ国際交流フェスティバル

  3. 【報告】2018年度 日本料理

  4. 観光通訳ボランティア募集!

  5. 【報告】土曜トークカフェ「花見トーク」

  6. 【報告】2019 (令和元)年度 土曜トークカフェ第1回ミーティング

  7. 第13回 MIFA国際交流フェスティバル

  8. 【イベント】MIFAオンラインボランティア講座


MIFA カレンダー