【Report】Cultural Ambassador Presentation Program – World cooking, presented by international students

Time July 8, 2017 (Sat.) 10:00-14:00
Venue Cooking Room, Midorigaoka Bunka Kaikan, Meguroku
Particpants 31 (international presenters 4, Japanese volunteers 8, Participants 19)
Presenters and Menu ・Poulet Basquaise by Michel Pohl(French, University of Tokyo)
・Pho Bo by Nguyen Thi Kim Anh (Vietnamese, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
・Honey Lotus Root with Sticky Rice by Lu Yuwei & Gao Lu(Chinese, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Feedback by presenters ・Japanese volunteers helped a lot during the preparation and it was nice to speak to these nice people.
・I feel very happy. All volunteers helped and supported me a lot. I very appreciate. Thank you very much.

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