【report】Soba Making Class 2018

It was a good chance for participants to watch soba making from scratch. They also took part in some process: kneading process, flattening process, and cutting process.

Nov. 17, 2018 (Sat.) 10:00-12:30
Seishonen Plaza, Room #6 (2-10-13, Nakameguro, Meguro-ku)
Content ・Instructor’s demonstration.
・Take part in preparing soba.
・Enjoy soba with other participants.
Instructor Mr. Keisuke SUZUKI
Attendees 12 in total(Korea, Singapore*2, UK, Ireland, France, China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Australia, Jamaica*1)
as well as 5 Japanese volunteers
Comments ・It was excellent event. The chef was great and his personal story was impressive. The staff and volunteers were kind and helpful. Thank you . Enjoyed it very much.
・I enjoyed a lot!!! The soba was much more delicious than I expected.
・Great! Appreciate MIFA for organising this and enjoyed the demonstration by the master chef. Thank you for the volunteers.


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